Медийно отразяване

Медийно отразяване

Нашата иновативна платформа за набиране на персонал с изкуствен интелект привлече вниманието на медиите заради новаторския си подход към набирането на таланти. Горди сме, че сме включени в няколко престижни публикации, които подчертават нашия ангажимент да трансформираме процеса на набиране на персонал и да свързваме предприятията с подходящите таланти. По-долу са представени някои от забележителните медийни споменавания, които показват нашето пътуване и въздействие:

Our innovative AI recruitment platform has garnered significant attention from the media for its groundbreaking approach to talent acquisition. We are proud to be featured in several prestigious publications that highlight our commitment to transforming the recruitment process and connecting businesses with the right talent. Below are some of the notable media mentions that showcase our journey and impact:

Our innovative AI recruitment platform has garnered significant attention from the media for its groundbreaking approach to talent acquisition. We are proud to be featured in several prestigious publications that highlight our commitment to transforming the recruitment process and connecting businesses with the right talent. Below are some of the notable media mentions that showcase our journey and impact:

Important Information: The details provided here are not an invitation for employment or partnership. The content published on this site by TalentSight is intended for communication purposes and does not represent recruitment advice or an offer or solicitation for the recruitment services contained within this site. These recruitment services will be provided by TalentSight, a company specialising in developing software products that help recruiters source more candidates efficiently. Any expression of interest in the services, such as, for example, requesting to join a demo, seeking clarification, or expressing an intent to use the services, is not binding on any of the parties. It is advisable to thoroughly review the service descriptions and terms of use before utilizing the services.

Important Information: The details provided here are not an invitation for employment or partnership. The content published on this site by TalentSight is intended for communication purposes and does not represent recruitment advice or an offer or solicitation for the recruitment services contained within this site. These recruitment services will be provided by TalentSight, a company specialising in developing software products that help recruiters source more candidates efficiently. Any expression of interest in the services, such as, for example, requesting to join a demo, seeking clarification, or expressing an intent to use the services, is not binding on any of the parties. It is advisable to thoroughly review the service descriptions and terms of use before utilizing the services.

Important Information: The details provided here are not an invitation for employment or partnership. The content published on this site by TalentSight is intended for communication purposes and does not represent recruitment advice or an offer or solicitation for the recruitment services contained within this site. These recruitment services will be provided by TalentSight, a company specialising in developing software products that help recruiters source more candidates efficiently. Any expression of interest in the services, such as, for example, requesting to join a demo, seeking clarification, or expressing an intent to use the services, is not binding on any of the parties. It is advisable to thoroughly review the service descriptions and terms of use before utilizing the services.