Нашата история и мотивация
Нашата история и мотивация
Кои сме ние?
TalentSight е роден от общия опит и визия на двама опитни софтуерни инженери - Александър и Тодор. Като бивши кандидати за работа, те осъзнаха неефективността в процеса на наемане и разликата между работодатели и кандидати. Проучване сред над 100 HR професионалисти в България разкри, че почти една трета от времето на наемателите се губи в идентифициране на подходящи кандидати, оставяйки по-малко време за същинските интервюта и изграждане на връзки.
TalentSight's founders - Aleksandar and Todor are experienced software engineers who have been on the candidate side of the recruitment process many times. They have seen that the recruitment process contains many inefficiencies and a gap exists between hiring and candidate parties. In order to better grasp the problem, Aleksandar and Todor performed a detailed research spanning over 100 HR professionals in Bulgaria. What did they find? The study shows that the process of successfully identifying relevant candidates takes up to a third of recruiters' time. Moreover, the manual work of going over multiple platforms to find qualified passive candidates often leads to not enough time for interviews and human relationships - essentially the most important part of being a HR professional.
Кои сме ние?
TalentSight's founders - Aleksandar and Todor are experienced software engineers who have been on the candidate side of the recruitment process many times. They have seen that the recruitment process contains many inefficiencies and a gap exists between hiring and candidate parties. In order to better grasp the problem, Aleksandar and Todor performed a detailed research spanning over 100 HR professionals in Bulgaria. What did they find? The study shows that the process of successfully identifying relevant candidates takes up to a third of recruiters' time. Moreover, the manual work of going over multiple platforms to find qualified passive candidates often leads to not enough time for interviews and human relationships - essentially the most important part of being a HR professional.
В TalentSight се стремим да трансформираме процеса на подбор чрез: Внедряване на иновативни технологии и изкуствен интелект Създаване на по-прозрачен и достъпен пазар на труда Оптимизиране на процесите по набиране на персонал Предоставяне на точна информация и анализи в реално време Нашата цел е да помогнем на работодателите да открият най-подходящите таланти бързо и ефективно, като същевременно осигурим на всеки професионалист възможност да развие своя потенциал в подходяща среда.
Our mission is to transform the recruitment process through innovative technology and artificial intelligence to help employers find and engage the right talent, quickly and efficiently. We strive to create a more transparent and accessible job market where both employers and candidates can easily find what they are looking for without unnecessary barriers and complications. Our platform focuses on optimizing recruitment processes by providing accurate real-time information and analytics, making it easier for HR professionals to select the best candidates. We believe that every person deserves to find the right place to develop their skills and potential, and every company deserves to have access to the best professionals on the market.
Our mission is to transform the recruitment process through innovative technology and artificial intelligence to help employers find and engage the right talent, quickly and efficiently. We strive to create a more transparent and accessible job market where both employers and candidates can easily find what they are looking for without unnecessary barriers and complications. Our platform focuses on optimizing recruitment processes by providing accurate real-time information and analytics, making it easier for HR professionals to select the best candidates. We believe that every person deserves to find the right place to develop their skills and potential, and every company deserves to have access to the best professionals on the market.
Тодор Ранчев
Todor Ranchev
Todor Ranchev
Тодор Ранчев, нашият главен изпълнителен директор (CEO), е предприемач с опит още от студентските си години. Той успешно изгради бизнес за доставки, докато все още беше в университета, демонстрирайки своя ранен предприемачески дух. Като EWOR Fellow F4, Тодор допълнително усъвършенства своите бизнес умения, подготвяйки се за бъдещите предизвикателства в света на стартъпите.
Todor Ranchev, our CEO, demonstrated his entrepreneurial spirit early on by building a successful delivery business while still at university. His drive and business acumen were further honed as an EWOR Fellow F4, setting the stage for his future endeavors.
Todor Ranchev, our CEO, demonstrated his entrepreneurial spirit early on by building a successful delivery business while still at university. His drive and business acumen were further honed as an EWOR Fellow F4, setting the stage for his future endeavors.
Александър Геков
Aleksandar Gekov
Aleksandar Gekov
Александър Геков, нашият главен технологичен директор (CTO), е опитен софтуерен инженер, който успешно съчетава техническите си умения с публична дейност. Той има популярен софтуерен YouTube канал и е лектор на технологични конференции, споделяйки своите знания и опит с широка аудитория. Благодарение на своята експертиза и харизма, Александър успя да изгради общност от над 10 000 последователи, които ценят неговите технологични и предприемачески прозрения и съвети.
Alongside Todor, Aleksandar Gekov, our CTO, was making waves in the tech world. As a software engineer, YouTuber, and tech conference speaker, Alex built a following of over 10,000, sharing his expertise and passion for technology with a growing audience.
Alongside Todor, Aleksandar Gekov, our CTO, was making waves in the tech world. As a software engineer, YouTuber, and tech conference speaker, Alex built a following of over 10,000, sharing his expertise and passion for technology with a growing audience.
Раждането на TalentSight е белязано от смел ход и изключително изпълнение. Вдъхновен от визията си за революционизиране на процеса по наемане, Тодор представи идеята пред потенциални клиенти, преди да има готов продукт. Този смел подход бързо доведе до първата продажба, поставяйки екипа пред предизвикателството да създаде обещания продукт в кратки срокове. Изправен пред тази задача, Александър демонстрира своето техническо майсторство и отдаденост. С неуморен труд и иновативно мислене, той успя да разработи функционален прототип за невероятните три седмици. Този бърз успех не само впечатли клиентите, но и затвърди вярата на екипа в потенциала на TalentSight. Този ключов момент в нашата история илюстрира перфектния баланс между амбициозна визия и блестящо изпълнение. Той се превърна в крайъгълен камък на нашата корпоративна философия: да поемаме смели предизвикателства и да надминаваме очакванията чрез иновации и усилена работа. В TalentSight вярваме, че истинският успех идва от способността да превръщаме амбициозните идеи в реалност, независимо от препятствията по пътя.
The true magic happened when Todor, in a bold move, sold the MVP before it even existed. Rising to the challenge, Alex showcased his technical skills by building the product in just three weeks. This moment of synergy between vision and execution became the foundation of our company's ethos: we promise big and deliver bigger.
The true magic happened when Todor, in a bold move, sold the MVP before it even existed. Rising to the challenge, Alex showcased his technical skills by building the product in just three weeks. This moment of synergy between vision and execution became the foundation of our company's ethos: we promise big and deliver bigger.
© 2024 – TalentSight Inc.
Important Information: The details provided here are not an invitation for employment or partnership. The content published on this site by TalentSight is intended for communication purposes and does not represent recruitment advice or an offer or solicitation for the recruitment services contained within this site. These recruitment services will be provided by TalentSight, a company specialising in developing software products that help recruiters source more candidates efficiently. Any expression of interest in the services, such as, for example, requesting to join a demo, seeking clarification, or expressing an intent to use the services, is not binding on any of the parties. It is advisable to thoroughly review the service descriptions and terms of use before utilizing the services.
© 2024 – TalentSight Inc.
Important Information: The details provided here are not an invitation for employment or partnership. The content published on this site by TalentSight is intended for communication purposes and does not represent recruitment advice or an offer or solicitation for the recruitment services contained within this site. These recruitment services will be provided by TalentSight, a company specialising in developing software products that help recruiters source more candidates efficiently. Any expression of interest in the services, such as, for example, requesting to join a demo, seeking clarification, or expressing an intent to use the services, is not binding on any of the parties. It is advisable to thoroughly review the service descriptions and terms of use before utilizing the services.
© 2024 – TalentSight Inc.
Important Information: The details provided here are not an invitation for employment or partnership. The content published on this site by TalentSight is intended for communication purposes and does not represent recruitment advice or an offer or solicitation for the recruitment services contained within this site. These recruitment services will be provided by TalentSight, a company specialising in developing software products that help recruiters source more candidates efficiently. Any expression of interest in the services, such as, for example, requesting to join a demo, seeking clarification, or expressing an intent to use the services, is not binding on any of the parties. It is advisable to thoroughly review the service descriptions and terms of use before utilizing the services.